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NetSuite Work Orders & Assemblies

NetSuite Work Orders & Assemblies module helps businesses manage complex production processes, including Bill of Materials (BOMs) and assembly management. Businesses can also track their inventory in real time as well as optimise their resources to maximise profitability.

NetSuite Work Orders and Assemblies

Features of NetSuite Work Orders & Assemblies Module

NetSuite Work Orders and Assemblies module offers multiple features to help manufacturers streamline their production processes. With NetSuite Work Orders and Assemblies, business can improve productivity of your production line, increase outputs and improve product quality.

Bill of Materials (BOM) Management

With NetSuite, businesses can create, manage and track all bills of materials across all product lines and categories. This includes the ability to define component parts for an assembly item and their respective quantities, identify appropriate alternative parts and manage multi-level or nested Bill of Materials.

Raw Materials and Equipment Management

NetSuite Work Orders & Assemblies module offers the ability to manage raw materials and equipment used during production. This includes tracking usage of items, assigning them to work orders and updating inventory levels as needed.

Manufacturing Resource Planning

NetSuite's Resource Planning feature allows businesses to optimise resources for maximum profitability. Businesses can plan and manage their production schedule, assign tasks to resources as well as track labour and machine usage for better decision making.

Quality Assurance Management

NetSuite Work Orders Assemblies module also offers Quality Assurance (QA) management capabilities. This allows businesses to capture quality data on an item-by-item basis or at the batch level which helps them ensure compliance with customer requirements. The QA module also helps to identify, analyse and address potential quality issues in the production process.

Manufacturing Process Reporting and Analysis

Businesses can use NetSuite Work Orders Assemblies to generate comprehensive reports and analysis related to their production processes. This includes real-time visibility into inventory, work centre productivity, process efficiency and more. This helps businesses to identify areas of improvement in their production processes and take appropriate action for improvement.

Assembly Items Management

NetSuite Work Orders Assemblies module allows businesses to track the production of assembly items. This includes tracking components used in an assembly, generating serial numbers for each item and updating inventory levels as they are consumed during the production process.


NetSuite Work Orders Assemblies is accessible from any compatible mobile device, providing users with the flexibility to access their information anytime, anywhere. This makes it easy for businesses to manage their production processes and control inventory levels from the shop floor.

Disassembly Management

NetSuite Work Orders Assemblies also supports businesses with reverse engineering or disassembly management. This feature helps businesses to track each component used in the assembly and its related inventory levels, allowing for efficient re-use of parts for future production processes.

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Benefits of the NetSuite Work Orders and Assembly Module

Reduced errors and improved accuracy

NetSuite Work Orders and Assemblies module helps businesses to reduce errors and improve accuracy during the production process. It also allows businesses to track inventory in real-time, so they can make better decisions on resource allocation.

Faster production cycle times

The work order and assembly module also helps businesses to optimise resources and reduce cycle times in their production processes. This can help them deliver products faster, resulting in improved customer satisfaction.

Increased customer satisfaction through higher quality products

The quality assurance module in NetSuite helps businesses to capture data on an item-by-item basis, ensuring compliance with customer requirements. This can help increase customer satisfaction by providing high-quality products.

Improved inventory management

The work order and assembly module also helps businesses to manage and track live inventory levels as products are consumed during the manufacturing process, resulting in improved inventory management. This can help reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Enhanced visibility into the entire manufacturing process

The reporting and analytics feature in NetSuite provides users with greater visibility into their production processes, helping them to better scrutinise their manufacturing performance data

Greater control over production costs

By using the work order and assembly module, businesses can gain greater control over their production costs. This includes monitoring resource utilisation, tracking inventory levels and identifying areas where cost savings can be made.

Reduced wastage and rework costs

NetSuite helps businesses to reduce wastage and rework costs by providing accurate data on each item in the production process. This allows them to better manage their resources and ensure that items are produced according to customer requirements.

Improved resource planning for increased productivity

Improve resource planning efforts to increase productivity by ensuring you have a transparent view of your work-centre, equipment and labour availability. This includes optimising resource utilisation and managing inventory levels more efficiently.

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Interested in Learning More About NetSuite Work Orders & Assemblies?

NetSuite Work Orders & Assemblies is a powerful tool designed to help businesses manage and optimise their production processes. If you are a manufacturer, and would like to learn more about how a modern Manufacturing Resource Planning solution can help your business thrive, then reach out to our experts at PKF Digital. For over 2 decades, we have been helping Australian manufacturers to leverage the best-in-class ERP solution, NetSuite. Let us help you unlock the potential of your business with a customised Manufacturing Resource Planning solution from NetSuite. Contact us today for more information.

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