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Into the Beyond: How to Prepare for the Leap from Small Business Software to Mid Market Solutions


As a small business owner, you've probably relied on a number of different software solutions to manage your operations, streamline processes, and keep everything running smoothly. But as your business grows, you may find that your current software is no longer able to keep up with your expanding needs.

This is where mid-market ERP solutions come into play. These powerful software systems are designed specifically to meet the demands of growing businesses, offering advanced features and capabilities to help you scale and succeed. But before you make the leap, it's important to understand the limitations of small business software and assess your need for mid-market solutions.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at how to navigate this transition, from understanding the limitations of small business software, to assessing your business's specific needs, researching available mid-market solutions, and preparing for a successful migration. Get ready to explore the “the beyond”.

Understanding the Limitations of Small Business Software

Small business software like Xero, MYOB and Quickbooks are a great starting point for managing your business’ finances efficiently and effectively. However, as your business grows, you may find that your current software is no longer able to meet all of your needs. It's important to understand the limitations of small business software so that you can make an informed decision about when it's time to upgrade to mid-market solutions. In this section, we will explore some of the challenges and red flags that indicate the need for a more robust software solution.

Identifying Growth Challenges

One of the major limitations of small business software is its scalability. As your business expands, you may find that the software struggles to handle the increased volume of data and transactions. This can lead to slow performance, frequent crashes, and an inability to process orders in a timely manner. If you notice any of these issues occurring frequently, it may be a sign that your current software is not equipped to handle the growth of your business.

Another challenge with small business software is its limited functionality. While it may have served your needs when your business was smaller, you may now find that you require additional features and capabilities to support your growing operations. For example, you may need more advanced inventory management, customer relationship management (CRM) tools, or reporting capabilities. If your current software lacks these functionalities, it may be holding your business back from reaching its full potential.

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Into the Beyond. How to Prepare for the Leap from Small Business Software to Mid Market Solutions

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Recognising Red Flags

There are several red flags that may indicate the limitations of your small business software:

Manual Workarounds

If you find yourself creating complex spreadsheets or manual processes to compensate for your software's shortcomings, it's a clear sign that your current system is inadequate.

Integration Difficulties

If your current software doesn't integrate well with other business tools or platforms, it can hinder your ability to streamline workflows and share data across different departments.

Lack of Reporting and Analytics

In today's data-driven business environment, it's crucial to have access to real-time reporting and analytics. If your current software lacks these capabilities, you may be missing out on valuable insights that can inform your decision-making process.

Customer Dissatisfaction

If your customers are experiencing difficulties when interacting with your business due to software limitations, it can negatively impact your reputation and customer loyalty.

It's important to keep an eye out for these red flags and assess whether they are hindering your business growth. Recognising these limitations will help you determine when it's time to start looking for more suitable mid-market software solutions.

Assessing the Need for Mid Market Solutions

As your small business starts to grow and evolve, you may find that your current software solutions are no longer able to keep up with your increasing needs. But before you make the leap, it's important to assess whether or not your business truly needs a mid-market solution. Here are some key factors to consider:

Evaluating Business Scalability

Assess your growth potential: Take a moment to evaluate your business's current growth trajectory and projected future growth. Are you experiencing rapid expansion or are you planning to expand in the near future? If the answer is yes, then a mid-market solution will be necessary to support your growth.

Consider your transaction volume: If your business is processing a large number of transactions on a regular basis, your current software may struggle to handle the load. Mid-market solutions are designed to handle higher transaction volumes more efficiently, ensuring smooth operations even during peak periods.

Evaluate your current system's performance: Does your current software solution experience frequent crashes or slow response times? If so, it may be a sign that your business has outgrown the capabilities of your small business software.

Determining Functional Requirements

Identify the features you need: Take stock of the features and functionalities that are essential for your business operations. Consider whether your current software meets these requirements adequately. If not, a mid-market solution may offer the necessary features to meet your business needs.

Assess integration capabilities: Determine if your current software integrates well with other tools and systems that are essential for your business. If there are compatibility issues or manual workarounds required, a mid-market solution with robust integration capabilities may be a better fit.

Consider reporting and analytics: Access to accurate and actionable data is crucial for making informed business decisions. Evaluate if your current software provides the reporting and analytics capabilities you need, or if a mid-market solution can offer more advanced and customisable options.

Researching Available Mid Market Solutions

When it comes to transitioning from small business software to mid-market solutions, researching available options is a crucial step. This phase allows you to explore different solutions and find the one that aligns with your business needs and goals. 

Exploring Feature Sets and Customisation Options

Deep dive into feature sets: Mid-market ERP solutions offer a wide range of advanced features that can help streamline your operations and support your growth. Make a list of the specific features your business requires, such as CRM, inventory management, project management, accounting and financial management or advanced reporting tools. Look for solutions that offer these features out-of-the-box or have the capability to customise them to your specific needs.

Assess customisation options: Every business has unique requirements, so it's important to find a mid-market solution that allows for customisation. Determine if the solution offers built-in customisation tools or if it requires assistance from developers. Having the ability to tailor the software to your business processes ensures a seamless transition and maximises the software's effectiveness.

Comparing Pricing and Licensing Models

Consider your budget: Mid-market ERP solutions can come with varying price points, so it's essential to consider your budget constraints. Look for solutions that offer flexible pricing options, such as monthly subscriptions or one-time payments, depending on your financial situation. Keep in mind that cheaper options may lack certain features or come with limited support, so weigh the cost against the value you'll be receiving.

Evaluate licensing models: Understand the licensing models offered by different mid-market solutions. Some solutions may require a per-user licence, while others offer concurrent licence. Take into account the number of employees who'll be using the software simultaneously to determine the most cost-effective licensing model for your business.

Factor in scalability: Consider how the pricing and licensing models will cater to your future growth. As your business expands, adding new users should be straightforward and cost-effective. Ensure that the solution you choose can easily accommodate an increase in users without any significant changes to your licensing or pricing structure.

By thoroughly researching available mid-market solutions, you can make an informed decision that will support your business growth and propel you into the future. Next, let's discuss how to prepare for the migration process.

Preparing for the Migration

When it comes to migrating from small business software to mid-market solutions, proper preparation is key. 

Data Clean-up and Migration Strategy

Before migrating to a new system, it is crucial to clean up your existing data and develop a migration strategy. Here are some tips to help you with this process:

Review and eliminate unnecessary data: Take the time to review your data and identify any outdated or irrelevant information. This will not only improve the efficiency of your new system but also help reduce the risk of errors during migration.

Ensure data integrity: Validate the integrity of your data by conducting quality checks. This involves identifying and correcting any inconsistencies or errors in your data, such as duplicate entries or missing information.

Plan the migration process: Develop a detailed plan outlining the steps and timeline for the migration. Identify any dependencies or potential challenges that may arise during the process and create contingency plans to mitigate risk.

Team Training and Change Management

Migrating to a new system can be a significant change for your staff. It is important to prepare them for this transition and provide the necessary training and support. 

Communicate the benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits of the new system to your staff. Help them understand how it will improve their workflow and enhance their efficiency. Get them excited about the positive changes that will come with the migration.

Provide comprehensive training: Develop a training plan that covers all aspects of the new system. Offer both initial training sessions and ongoing support to ensure that your staff is comfortable and confident using the new software.

Address concerns and provide support: Be prepared for resistance or concerns from your staff during the migration process. Establish open lines of communication and provide resources and support to address any questions or issues that may arise.

Remember, migration is not just about moving data from one system to another. It is also an opportunity to optimise your processes and improve overall efficiency. By thoroughly preparing for the migration and supporting your staff through the transition, you can set your business up for success in the mid-market landscape.

Implementing Mid Market ERP Solutions

Once you've assessed the need for mid-market solutions and done your research on available options, it's time to dive into the implementation process. This can be an exciting and transformative phase for your business, but it's important to approach it strategically and with careful planning. Here are some key steps to consider when implementing mid-market solutions:

Engaging with Solution Providers

Reach out to potential solution providers and schedule demos or consultations to evaluate their offerings.

Ask questions about the implementation process, timelines, and any additional services they provide.

Consider the provider's industry expertise and track record of successful implementations.

Request case studies or references from existing clients to get a better understanding of the provider's reliability and performance.

Customisation and Integration

Work closely with the solution provider to customise the mid-market solution to fit your specific business needs.

Identify any existing workflows that need to be replicated in the new system and ensure a smooth transition.

Consider integrating the mid-market solution with other systems or software you currently use to streamline processes and maximise efficiency.

Collaborate with the provider to establish data mapping and ensure data integrity during the migration process.

Training and Change Management

Develop a comprehensive training plan to ensure your team is proficient in using the new mid-market solution.

Provide hands-on training sessions, user manuals, and access to online resources or support materials.

Assign internal champions or power users who can provide ongoing support and guidance to their colleagues.

Communicate the benefits of the new system to your team and address any concerns or resistance proactively.

By approaching the implementation phase strategically, you can set your business up for success with your newly adopted mid-market solution. Keep in mind that this is a collaborative effort between your team and the solution provider, so effective communication and a strong partnership are key.

Scaling for Future Growth

Congratulations! You've successfully made the transition from small business software to mid-market solutions. But your journey doesn't end here. Now that you have a more robust software system in place, it's important to focus on scaling for future growth. 

Continuous Evaluation and Improvement

Evaluate performance: Regularly assess how well your mid-market solution is meeting your business needs. Are there any bottlenecks or areas that need improvement? Identify any gaps or inefficiencies in your system and address them promptly.

Collect user feedback: Your employees are the ones using the system day in and day out. Encourage them to provide feedback on any pain points or suggestions for improvement. Their insights can be invaluable in streamlining processes and enhancing productivity.

Stay up to date: Keep an eye on technological advancements and new features offered by your software provider. Are there any updates or upgrades that can further optimise your system? Stay informed and take advantage of any new functionalities that can benefit your business.

Optimise workflows: As your business grows, it's important to continually evaluate and optimise your workflows. Look for opportunities to automate repetitive tasks, eliminate unnecessary steps, and streamline processes. This will not only improve efficiency but also free up valuable time and resources.

Planning for Further Expansion

Forecast future needs: Consider where you see your business in the next few years. Will you be expanding into new markets or offering additional products and services? Anticipate the growth trajectory of your business and identify the software capabilities you'll need to support that expansion.

Flexibility and scalability: Choose a mid-market solution that offers the flexibility and scalability to accommodate future growth. Look for software that can easily adapt to changing business needs, such as the ability to add new users, modules, or integrations seamlessly.

Long-term strategic alignment: Align your software strategy with your overall business strategy. Ensure your software supports your long-term goals and is designed to scale alongside your organisation. This will save you from having to go through another software migration in the future.

Training and onboarding: As you bring new employees onboard, invest in proper training to ensure they are proficient in using the mid-market solution. Implement training programs and documentation to support ongoing learning and development.

Remember, scaling for future growth is an ongoing process. As your business evolves, so too should your software system. Continually evaluate, improve, and plan for expansion to stay ahead of the curve and maximise the potential of your mid-market solutions.


In conclusion, making the leap from small business software to mid-market solutions can be a significant step towards growth and success. By understanding the limitations of small business software and assessing the need for more robust solutions, businesses can make informed decisions on whether to upgrade their software.

Researching available mid-market solutions is crucial to finding the right fit for your business. Exploring feature sets and customisation options, as well as comparing pricing and licensing models, will help you choose a solution that meets your specific needs and budget.

Preparing for the migration is an essential step to ensure a smooth transition. Data clean-up and migration strategy, along with staff training and change management, will help your organisation adapt to the new system efficiently.

Monitoring and maintaining the new system is an ongoing task. Tracking performance metrics and performing regular updates and upgrades will ensure that your software continues to meet your business needs and stays up to date with the latest technology.

Lastly, scaling for future growth should always be on your radar. Continuous evaluation and improvement, along with proper planning for further expansion, will allow your business to thrive and adapt to changing market conditions.

Remember, the transition from small business software to mid-market solutions is not a one-size-fits-all process. Every business is unique, and the journey may vary. 

However, by following the steps outlined in this guide, you can approach the transition with confidence and set your business up for long-term success. So, take the leap into the beyond and unlock the full potential of your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are some signs that show a small business is ready for mid-market solutions?

Signs that indicate a small business is ready for mid-market solutions include increased business growth, expanding customer base, a need for more advanced functionality, and the desire to streamline business processes for improved efficiency.

2.What are the key differences between small business software and mid-market solutions?

Small business software is usually designed for basic functionality and limited scalability, while mid-market solutions provide more advanced features, customisation options, and the ability to handle larger volumes of data and users. Mid-market solutions typically offer better integration capabilities and support for complex business processes.

3. How can a small business prepare to transition from small business software to mid-market solutions?

To prepare for the leap, a small business can assess its current needs and future goals, conduct thorough research on available mid-market solutions, evaluate budget and resources, plan for data migration, train employees on new software, and ensure a smooth transition by partnering with an experienced implementation team.

4. What are the benefits of moving to mid-market solutions for small businesses?

Moving to mid-market solutions offers small businesses access to advanced features, scalability, improved efficiency, better data management, integration with other systems, increased customisation options, and the ability to accommodate future growth. It helps small businesses stay competitive in the market and support their expanding needs.

5. Are mid-market solutions more expensive than small business software?

Mid-market solutions may be more expensive than small business software due to their advanced features and scalability. However, they offer a higher return on investment by providing better functionality, improved productivity, and the ability to support business growth. The cost of mid-market solutions should be evaluated based on the specific needs and benefits it offers to the business.

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