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Demand Forecasting

The Art of Demand Forecasting: Enhancing Business Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction with NetSuite Demand Planning


NetSuite Demand Planning is an essential module for Wholesale Distributors that enables businesses to predict future customer demand for products or services. By analysing data such as historical sales, trends, and other relevant information, companies can make informed decisions that impact various aspects of their operations.

Accurate demand forecasting helps businesses make better supply and inventory decisions, estimate total anticipated sales, and generate more reliable revenue projections. In this article, we will explore the importance of demand forecasting, the risks of not implementing it effectively, and the benefits it offers to businesses in terms of inventory management, resource allocation, and customer satisfaction.

NetSuite Demand Planning

Importance of Demand Forecasting

In today's competitive market, the ability to accurately forecast demand is crucial for businesses to stay ahead of the curve. Without effective demand forecasting, companies face the risk of encountering two detrimental scenarios:

Tying Up Cash in Excess Inventory

Overestimating demand can lead to surplus inventory, which ties up valuable cash and resources. Excess inventory also incurs additional storage and maintenance costs, while increasing the likelihood of product obsolescence, spoilage, or depreciation.

Running Out of Items Resulting in Stock Outs or Unfulfilled Orders

Underestimating demand can cause stockouts, which means businesses may not have the products customers want when they want them. This can lead to lost sales, eroded customer trust, and potential damage to the company's reputation.

Both of these scenarios can result in unrealised revenue and unhappy customers. Thus, accurate demand forecasting is essential for businesses to optimise their operations and maintain customer satisfaction. By implementing effective demand forecasting techniques, demand planners can make informed decisions that benefit the business in various ways.

How Demand Planning Effects Inventory Management

One of the primary advantages of demand forecasting is improved inventory management. By predicting future demand, businesses can maintain appropriate inventory levels, avoiding both excess stock and stockouts. This not only ensures that products are available when customers need them but also helps companies minimise inventory-related costs.

Effective inventory management, based on accurate demand forecasting, also contributes to more efficient warehouse space utilisation. Fast-moving products can be placed in easily accessible areas, streamlining the order fulfilment process and reducing the time it takes to get products to customers.


How Demand Planning  Effects Resource Allocation and Decision-Making

Demand forecasting also plays a critical role in informing business decisions related to resource allocation, budgeting, pricing, and staffing. By projecting future performance, companies can allocate their resources more effectively, ensuring that they are investing in areas with the greatest potential for growth and profitability.

Budgeting becomes more accurate when businesses have a clear understanding of their expected sales and revenue. This enables them to make better decisions regarding investments in marketing, research and development, or expansion plans. In addition, understanding the patterns of demand helps companies devise pricing strategies that maximise profit while maintaining competitiveness in the market.

Effective demand forecasting also aids in staffing decisions, as businesses can anticipate fluctuations in demand and adjust their workforce accordingly. This ensures that companies have the right number of employees to meet customer needs while minimising labour costs.


How Demand Planning Affects Customer Satisfaction Accurate demand forecasting directly impacts customer satisfaction. By anticipating customer needs and maintaining appropriate inventory levels, businesses can fulfil orders more efficiently and avoid the frustration caused by stock outs or delayed deliveries. In turn, this leads to increased customer loyalty and a higher likelihood of repeat business. Furthermore, demand forecasting allows companies to anticipate shifts in customer preferences or identify emerging trends. By staying attuned to changes in the market, businesses can proactively adapt their product offerings and marketing strategies to better serve their customers, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and retention.

How Demand Planning Affects Customer Satisfaction

Accurate demand forecasting directly impacts customer satisfaction. By anticipating customer needs and maintaining appropriate inventory levels, businesses can fulfil orders more efficiently and avoid the frustration caused by stock outs or delayed deliveries. In turn, this leads to increased customer loyalty and a higher likelihood of repeat business.

Furthermore, demand forecasting allows companies to anticipate shifts in customer preferences or identify emerging trends. By staying attuned to changes in the market, businesses can proactively adapt their product offerings and marketing strategies to better serve their customers, ultimately improving customer satisfaction and retention.

NetSuite Demand Planning: A Comprehensive Solution for Modern Businesses

NetSuite Demand Planning is a robust, cloud-based solution designed to streamline and enhance the demand forecasting process for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging the power of NetSuite Wholesale Distribution Edition's integrated business management suite, companies can gain valuable insights into demand patterns, make informed decisions, and optimise their operations. In this section, we will explore the various features of NetSuite Demand Planning and discuss the impacts these features have on different roles within a business.

Features of NetSuite Demand Planning

Advanced Forecasting Algorithms

NetSuite Demand Planning utilises sophisticated forecasting algorithms, including moving averages, exponential smoothing, and seasonal adjustment, to generate accurate demand predictions. These algorithms help businesses analyse historical data and identify trends that may influence future demand, allowing them to make more informed decisions.

Real-time Data Integration

NetSuite Demand Planning seamlessly integrates with other NetSuite modules, such as inventory management, sales, and purchasing. This real-time data integration enables businesses to gain a holistic view of their operations and make data-driven decisions based on up-to-date information.

Customisable Forecasting Models

NetSuite Demand Planning allows users to create and customise their forecasting models to better align with their unique business needs. Companies can adjust the forecasting parameters, incorporate external factors such as promotions or economic indicators, and weigh different variables to generate a forecast that best reflects their specific market conditions and business goals.

Collaboration and Workflow Management

NetSuite Demand Planning facilitates collaboration among team members by providing a centralised platform where users can share information, discuss forecasts, and track changes. The built-in workflow management feature ensures that all stakeholders are kept informed of the forecasting process and can contribute to the decision-making process.

Performance Metrics and Reporting

NetSuite Demand Planning provides businesses with a comprehensive suite of performance metrics and reports, enabling them to track the accuracy of their forecasts, identify areas for improvement, and measure the overall effectiveness of their demand planning process.


Impacts of NetSuite Demand Planning on Different Roles

Demand Planners

NetSuite Demand Planning simplifies the demand forecasting process for demand planners, allowing them to focus on data analysis and strategic decision-making. With access to advanced algorithms and customisable models, demand planners can generate accurate forecasts that help drive business growth and profitability.

Inventory Managers

NetSuite Demand Planning enables inventory managers to maintain optimal inventory levels by providing real-time data integration and accurate demand forecasts. This ensures that they can make informed decisions about stock replenishment, reducing the risk of stockouts and excess inventory.

Sales and Marketing Teams

With accurate demand forecasts in hand, sales and marketing teams can better target their efforts and resources. They can identify emerging trends and customer preferences, allowing them to develop more effective marketing campaigns and sales strategies. Additionally, they can use demand forecasts to set realistic sales targets and plan promotional activities that align with anticipated demand.

Finance and Executive Teams

NetSuite Demand Planning provides finance and executive teams with valuable insights into the company's anticipated sales and revenue. This information enables them to make better decisions regarding budgeting, resource allocation, and strategic planning, ultimately driving business growth and increasing profitability.

Supply Chain and Procurement Teams

By leveraging the accurate demand forecasts generated by NetSuite Demand Planning, supply chain management and procurement teams can better plan their sourcing and purchasing activities. This ensures that they can secure the necessary materials and products at the right time and at the best possible prices, reducing lead times and minimising the risk of supply chain disruptions.



Proper demand forecasting processes are vital for businesses looking to maximise profitability, decrease overhead costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. By accurately predicting future demand, companies can make informed decisions that optimise inventory management, improve resource allocation.

NetSuite Demand Planning is a comprehensive and flexible solution that enables businesses to optimise their demand forecasting processes, leading to more efficient operations and improved customer satisfaction. By providing advanced features and real-time data integration, NetSuite Demand Planning empowers different roles within a company to make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.


About PKF Digital

PKF Digital is a leading Australian NetSuite Partner that provides a comprehensive range of professional Services, including NetSuite Implementation and NetSuite Support as well as business consulting and advisory. We offer our expert knowledge and hands-on experience when it comes to choosing, implementing and supporting your NetSuite account.

Our team of NetSuite development experts have also created a range of innovative SuiteApps to further enhance the functionality of NetSuite. These SuiteApps include Cash Flow Plus, Bank Feeds Plus, Billing Automation Plus, and Email Approval Plus. We’ve also created out-of-the-box NetSuite integrations from some of the world’s leading cloud applications including Airwallex, Xero and Google Workspace.

If you are interested in partnering with us, please reach out for an obligation free discussion about your requirements.

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